These are my phalenopsis ochids. I have had these the longest out of all my orchids, and they haven't been doing too well. They have been attacked by slugs and snails, and they've had to put up with me getting the watering right. So, they haven't given any flowers for a while. Now, however, they are both sprouting from the last flower stalk. The one above has one sprout and the one on the right has two, growing well!! Perhaps the fertalizer has taken affect, or maybe it's a mix of that and me getting the water, sunlight and temperature right.
There are many colours in the phalenopsis group. Mine are white with a deep purple centre and pinky-white.
Perhaps they will come into flower by spring!!
Today is 7th June 2012. I took photos to update the progress of my orchids.
Previously, my two phaleanopsises weren't looking too good. But now, we have new evidence of my care taking effect!! Have a look!
Can you see the new flower shoot? This is the phaleanopsis which I don't know the colour of the flowers, so this year, I'm looking forward to the surprise!! Have a closer look!
I've recenly taken out the moss which I had put around the base of the orchid. I took it out again, because it was staying too humid for too long, and I know that Phaleanopsis like their roots aired.
Look at my other phaleanopsis:
Also with happier looking leaves, and a nice new flower shoot! Have a closer look!
The only problem with this orchid, is that I think water got into the middle of the leaves when I was watering them. The new leaves have either been eaten by little beasts or have rotten back. Have a look at this photo:

But, there's good new growth on the roots, so I think it's healthy enough. Once these orchids have finished flowering, I'll repot them, as their substrata is old and mankey.
3rd October 2012
An update on the phaleanopsis. The poor phal with two leaves in the previous photos now only has one leaf, but is still determined to flower. I have now put it on a piece of wood to see if it improves. It has hardly any good roots. I cut the flower stem off so it would concentrate its energy on sprouting new roots, but it just sprung up a new flower stem, so I decided to let it flower and then I'll help it recover its roots if it survives.
The other healthier looking phal has flowered for the first time with me. I bought it without flowers, so the colour was going to be a surprise. Here's a photo of the imperfect, but beautiful flower.
More photos to update soon.