sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012


 This beauty I bought from the supermarket for R$7.00. A bargain considering they are normally sold for at least R$20.00.
I bought it with two little buds, and now it has rewarded me with the beautiful blooms!
Now both buds are open. It has been more than a week since the first one opened, and around four days that the other opened up.

I am spraying them every fifteen days with a fertalizer solution, which I bought from the Orchid Nursery, and once a month I sprinkle another powdered fertalizer on the soil, but not directly onto the roots, as this could damage them.

7th June 2012. Here are some new photos of my dendrobium from before, and another dendrobium which my mum gave me.

This is the first one, which I bought. The flowers lasted at least one month. They dropped about a week ago. There is already sign of new growth on the stems. I will repot it soon, as I think this pot is not ideal for it, as it doesn't dry out very well.

This is the beautiful present from my mum. I brought it home at the end of April, and the flowers are only now starting to droop. Thank you, Mum, for this beautiful flower!! It is a wonderful addition to my collection!

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