sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

L.C Persepolis

This is a plant I won in a raffle at the Orchid Exhibition.
When I got it, it already had this brown tongue which looks like a dead leaf. I was told it is where the flowers grow out from. Then I found out that you can feel the flower developing inside this leafy part. I think this one was a false alarm. It's too thin to have a flower. May be next time.

This is having the same treatment as all the other orchids, too. It seems to like it where it is with the others. Most of my orchids are on the garage floor waiting to be hung on the wall in better terrecota pots.

 The flowers, when they come, will look a little like these below, just a darker, richer purple colour.

7th June 2012. Here is a photo of this lovely orchid, to evaluate the progress, growth, etc.
Have a look at the photo before, and now:

 Not much difference, except the colour of the leaves. I think they appear a lighter green than before. There isn't much growth which you can see in the photo,but on the base of the furthest bulb, there is a little bulge which looks like it will grow into the next bulb and flower!? Watch this space!!

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