sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012


 These are my Oncidiums. I have two others which are happy tied up on a piece of wood hanging from my washing line in the backyard.

The one on the left was a real bargain. I bought it in another supermarket for R$3.00!! The others the same which were in flower were being sold for R$22.00!

The one below I bought from a garden nursery without any labling, just going by what the woman there told me. I think it's an Oncidium because of the shape of the leaves and the growth of the plant.

The photo below is similar to what the flowers will be on the first orchid on this post.

On the right are what the woman told me the orchid above right will be like.

Again, we'll wait and see what happens!!

Today, 7th June 2012, I took photos of my sherry baby oncidium, which now has a nice new flower shoot growing.

 I'll update with more photos when the shoot is bigger! It's very exciting!!

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