sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

Perfumed Orchid

 This I beleive to be either a Laelia Purpurata or a type of Cattleya. As I bought it at a supermarket, where they don't like to lable things well, I don't know the exact name.

When I bought it, it had lovely large deep purple flowers, which gave off a lovely sweet perfume.

I'm fertalizing it and watering it the same as the others in my garage. So far so good, as there is a new shoot coming well on it.

The photo below shows the shoot coming up to the right of the plant.
I hope it is promising a nice couple of flowers.

I'll update soon.

Today is the 7th June 2012. I'm updating the progress of my orchids.

Here is a photo taken today of the new growth of my perfumed orchid, of which I don't know the exact name.

Have a look at the beautiful new leaves! I hope it will give flower by the end of this year.

2 July 2012. New growth is still going strong. The centre of the leaves, from where the flowers will come, is starting to appear now. Appart from that, nothing else has happend.

More updates soon.

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