quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

Orchid cuttings and development

 I was given a couple of orchid cuttings by a friend.


One of these orchids, pictured in the photo above, came with a pest called "conchilhas" in Portuguese.

So, I washed it with coconut soap, and made an "Intencive Care Unit" from a transparent plastic bottle.
Here is the photo of the orchid in the ICU. Now I have to wait to see if it will pick up. This method provides a closed climate, in which the orchid is protected and has a better chance of recovery and to reestablish its root system.

To know how to make the ICU, follow the link:
This blog by Cynthia is very informative and has helped me to understand my plants better, and to know how to give them better care and attention.

Another orchid which I was given as a cutting is this one:

I don't know what orchid this is. Unfortunatly, it wasn't getting on very well in its pot, so I made another ICU for it. Here is the photo of the poor thing in the plastic bottle. Its large leaf yellowed and fell off, so now it just has the smaller stumpy leaf. I hope it will react well to the treatment.

2 July 2012. The orchids have been in their bottles of a month, and the only thing that was happening is the pseudobulbs were starting to brown off at the base. So, I took them out of their bottles to dry off a little. The first cattleya I've put on a piece of wood and the second is hanging from the washing line to dry out more. I'll also put the second on a piece of wood to see if it improves.

More updates soon!

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