quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

Unknown Orchids - Epidendrum

I bought these orchids from a garden nursery. They were going cheap, so I took them on to see what would happen. The problem is, I don't know what orchids they are. Are they orchids which go in the ground? Do they want full sun, half-shade? Do they like lots of water or little water? What substrata do they like?

I repotted them, because they looked like they were a bit potbound. Plus, my dog decided to investigate them, and ended up taking one out of its pot, so she did half the job for me!!

If anyone could help me with the name and type of orchid, if it is an orchid at all, I would really appreciate it!!

More info when I see any improvement.

Hi! Today is 2nd July. I went to the local orchid nursery and took this orchid for them to identify for me. It is an Epidendrum. It had some treatment from the nursery, cut off the dead bits and sprinkled cinamon powder over the cut places and at the base of the plant. Now they are in the garage drying out, because they were too wet. That's why the leaves were going black and rotting.

It did have a couple of new shoots, but one a slug ate and the other had a bit of black rot and was cut back. Now we have to wait to see what the results of the treatment are like.

Updates soon!! 

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