quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

Orchids on the line

This is a photo of my orchids which I tied onto bits of wood and hung on my washing line at the back of my house.

 This one was originally in the garage, but it got attacked by some ugly slugs, which only left one leaf. So, once I had done away with the slugs, I took the orchid out of its pot and washed it thoroughly and tied it onto a piece of wood and waited to see what would happen.
A few months later, with it being watered naturally by the rain, look at the new growth that has appeared!

I hope it grows well and rewards me with new leaves, and eventually, flowers. There is another shoot on the other side of the orchid. Looking good!

Other orchids on the wood are:

 A cymbidium, of which I don't know the colour. These photos were taken a couple of months ago.

The photo taken today, 7th June 2012, shows new growth.

 I also have an oncidium, locally called "chuva-de-ouro", which is coming on well, too.

 New photos will come when I have chance to get a good shot. Today it's raining!

This is another oncidium which I won as a freebe at an orchid exhibition. It is also showing new growth. I will update with new photos as soon as possible.

2 July 2012. The cymbidium was doing ok, but its roots were drying out too much, so I took it off the wood and put it in a pot with a mixture of soil and orquid substrata. It seems to be better now.

More updates soon.


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