quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012

Phalaenopsis from post "What a stunner!"

7th November 2012
This beauty of a Phalaenopsis is this flowering, and more buds keep growing.
I have polinated three of the flowers, one with polen from the same plant, and two with polen from two other phals. The seed pods are growing nicely. This will be a new experience and experiment, to see if I can actually grow  some orchids from seed. I know it is a big challenge, with results way ahead in the future, if I get any results at all, but it's worth the fun of trying. I don't plan to grow the seeds in vitro, because I don't have the necessary equipment, so I'll try the old fashioned way, cutting a root from the mother plant and sitting the seeds in small terracotta pots around the cut-up root. 
I'll add a pic or two of the developments of this phal soon.

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